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7.000 JOD
Derma Clear is a natural formula which helps clear the skin from acne and pimples and helps prevent acne breakouts. Derma Clear combines Tea Tree Oil, which is very well known for its anti-bacterial properties, with pure Dead Sea water and Peppermint Oil for a glowing and acne-free blackhead-free skin.هي تركيبة طبيعية تساعد في تنقية وتصفية البشرة من حب الشباب والبثور، وتساعد على منع حب الشباب من الظهور.
يحتوي Derma Clear على زيت شجرة الشاي المعروفه جيدا بخصائص مضادة للبكتريا، مع ماء البحر الميت الطبيعية، وزيت الميرمية للحصول على بشرة متألقة وصحية.
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- If you intend to purchase with your credit card, please check if your card is issued from one of the banks we are working with
- Please make sure that your credit card is active
- Check that the available balance cover the purchase amount
- Make Sure that the credit card is with you when the delivery arrives with the product and POS to swipe your card
- Once you use the credit card, you will receive a notification or a call from the bank to take your approval on the payment period
Debit Card (ATM) Users
- Please make sure your Debit Card is allowed to purchase online
- Any kind of purchase must not exceed JD 200
- Make sure that you have an available balance to cover the first payment (Down Payment) which will be deducted from your account on the spot.