14.500 JOD
Availability: Many In Stock
Categories: Under 200 JOD
Product Type: Women's

Essential Care is an advanced night cream which combines Collagen and Dead Sea mineral salts along with Olive Oil, which together help improve blood circulation, boost collagen in the skin and provide an even complexion for your skin.
This unique combination will protect, nourish and tighten your skin.كريم ليلي للوجه والعنق ذو ميزة فريدة من نوعها كونه أول كريم للوجه يجمع بين أهم عنصرين طبيعيين يلعبان دورا هاما في المحافظة على صحة البشرة وشبابها ألا وهما الكولاجين و أملاح البحر الميت وليس هذا فحسب بل يتميز أيضا بقدرته على تغذية وترطيب البشرة لاحتوائه على زيت الزيتون وزيت اللوز ايضا ويعمل أيضا على حماية البشرة فتبقى البشرة محافظة على جمالها وحيويتها وشبابها.


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    4. Make Sure that the credit card is with you when the delivery arrives with the product and POS to swipe your card
    5. Once you use the credit card, you will receive a notification or a call from the bank to take your approval on the payment period

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    2. Any kind of purchase must not exceed JD 200
    3. Make sure that you have an available balance to cover the first payment (Down Payment) which will be deducted from your account on the spot.