Hyundai - Digital Air Fryer ( 5.5L )

Hyundai - Digital Air Fryer ( 5.5L )

Izola - Fridge 590L

Izola - Fridge 590L

389.000 JOD
Availability: Many In Stock
Categories: Appliances
Product Type: Air Fryers & Deep Fryers
Vendor: Abu Taweileh Group

- 2200 W

- 1400 g

- Multicooker

- Rapid Air Technology

- TurboStar technology

- 5 Presets programs

- QuickControl dial with digital display

مقلاة هوائية
variant.price) { $("#price").html('' + Shopify.formatMoney(variant.compare_at_price, money_format) + "" + '
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Philips - Air Fryer (22000W)

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