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35.000 JOD
Many In Stock
Under 200 JOD
Product Type:
Styling Tools & Electronics + cutting tools
* درجة حرارة قابلة للتعديل وفقاً لنوع شعر (140 - 230 درجة مئوية)
* صفائح مصنوعة من السيراميك مملوءة بالكيراتين وزيت الأرغان
* إيقاف تشغيل تلقائي بعد 30 دقيقة
* لا تحتاج وقتاً طويلاً للإحماء
* شاشة LED لاستعادة الحرارة
* زر لتثبيت الصفيحة
* صفائح مصنوعة من السيراميك مملوءة بالكيراتين وزيت الأرغان
* إيقاف تشغيل تلقائي بعد 30 دقيقة
* لا تحتاج وقتاً طويلاً للإحماء
* شاشة LED لاستعادة الحرارة
* زر لتثبيت الصفيحة
Before Purchasing from Our website, please note the following:
Credit Card Users
- If you intend to purchase with your credit card, please check if your card is issued from one of the banks we are working with
- Please make sure that your credit card is active
- Check that the available balance cover the purchase amount
- Make Sure that the credit card is with you when the delivery arrives with the product and POS to swipe your card
- Once you use the credit card, you will receive a notification or a call from the bank to take your approval on the payment period
Debit Card (ATM) Users
- Please make sure your Debit Card is allowed to purchase online
- Any kind of purchase must not exceed JD 200
- Make sure that you have an available balance to cover the first payment (Down Payment) which will be deducted from your account on the spot.