507.000 JOD
Availability: Many In Stock
Product Type: Nursing Essentials
Vendor: Abden Retail

Medela Freestyle Breast Pump 7612367025645

  • Compact and lightweight
  • 3-hour rechargeable battery for mobile pumping
  • Designed for moms who pump several times a day
  • 2-Phase expression technology proven to produce more milk in less time
  • Adjustable speed/vacuum settings to ensure a comfortable pump setting
  • One touch let-down button
  • 2 sizes of Personal Fit breast shields for comfortable and efficient pumping
  • Digital backlit display makes it perfect for late-night pumping sessions
  • Pumping timer allows you to conveniently track your pumping sessions
  • Memory button so you can easily return to your favorite pumping pattern
  • Comes with a storage bag
  • With a removable cooler bag with contoured ice pack holds 4 breastmilk bottles
  • Origin: Switzerland


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